people think not having a job is easy. the good life. the simple life.
people who are able to work should work. people who dont work and can
are lazy. what they dont realise is how hard not working is. when you
dont have school. and dont want to degenerate into a vegetable. fed
by alcohol. drugs. television. books.
working gives you something to do for eight hours. to keep your mind
occupied. your hands busy. it tires you out. and gives you an excuse
to be a vegetable for those other six or seven hours of your waking
life. come home. eat dinner. do a bit of housework. sit down watch tv.
or read a book. every night. better yet go to the bar directly after
work and get drunk. same thing. your day lifes a routine. so why not
your night life. only on the weekends do you go out. break the routine.
the average person only has to live eight or nine days every month.
and half those can be used up going to sunday services and doing
saturday morning housework. how many people dont even go out on those
nights. dont have someone over. dont remove themselves from their
addictions. their routine. sit at home getting drunk again. go out and
rent a movie for the tv. or. like every night before. or. or.
(most people complain they never have the time to do what).
living without a job. or school. or anything routine. forcing you not
to think. over and over again. or thinking about the same things. or
thinking the same way each day. solving the same problems. the same
type of problems. when you dont have that you have boredom. pain. an
attempt to escape. creativity. outgoingness. a need to do something.
its hard. no words. words arent working now.