the frog people
many years ago the evangelists. the jesus freaks. started coming out
to mardi gras in flocks. everywhere. and then they started harassing.
bullhorns. shoving papers into your hand. coming up to you. sitting
next to you. preaching. in your face. sometimes in a corner. nowhere
to run. and the locals. there had always been evangelists. but not
like this. brought in in busloads from states away. harassing. so the
locals fought back. destroy our celebration will you. the frog people
arose. in your face reaction. wherever evangelists broke out in large
groups. the frog people would come. chase them away. their own
campaign. frog is god. frog is love. hopolula. jesus died for your
sins once, but frog croaks for you every day. they had their own
literature. their own signs.
there are still frog people today. they no longer use such direct
methods though. after all. they have a right to speak. but not to
harass. not to ruin fun. so now. sometimes. when you see the freaks
come out. occasionally. youll see a group of people playing music.
drums. dancing. disrupting the freaks in a peaceful. indirect way. and
occasionally. if you look closely. youll see a bit of green. a little