a man once said that to get to where you were going you had to go out there and forget. forget your
reason for leaving. forget to where you were going. so perhaps i never really knew where i was going.
i thought i was going out to san francisco to become some famous artiste. where i could make subtle
artistic renderings to make fun of the world around me, or enlighten it. where i could explore life in
some limited secure way. but the journey there changed my destination. threw me out into the world
ultimately on a search for myself.
and in ways ive arrived. ive not become that muse i spoke about to rebecca all those years ago. for
the most part i wouldnt even call myself a muse anymore. except when fire and others might say,
you may not be a muse to everyone, but you were a muse to me. and perhaps in some way that is
where ive become a muse. inspiring those around me. those that i really care about. those who
inspire me.
a time of my life is closing as i write this. a time that will never come again. through all my life so far,
these past three years, written here. are the ones i remember most fondly. they were a time when i
was alive with life. learning and discovering and trying to tell others of that discovery. that time is not
over for me, but the ways are now different. i have a career and an apartment. and when next i may
decide to throw it all away again for the life of the road, it will be another time and things will have
changed. this
time of my life is at an end.
so when the ship lifts, no regrets, eh? my story is at an end. and like most stories, it continues on
even after the last word has been spoken. i hope its been inspiring, enlightening, entertaining. i may
never write another book. in which case others will have to write more for me. as the nike commercial
says, never put a hold on life.
no time, need, desire to drag this out. the time is done. i leave you no longer as artiste, muse. but as
myself. a person who is many things to many people, all of them as one. so now we (you, i, the
world) curtsey the final bow and open life to the infinite of possibilities. (to learn, to create, to inspire,
to live)
sometime in the morning you wake up and its all a blur. last night. last week. your entire life.