acid takes the world and twists it.
acid takes the world and twists it. fourth time dropping i finally feel
effects. i trip. reality warping. movement in stasis. the painted rose on
the bathroom wall that kept opening. shifting. the rug. waves. rolling. time
shifting in strange ways. busy. like a fog of bees buzzing in my head. we
sit. planning out times to be silent. then someone talks. and we plan again.
at first. only me. going to lees. talking to mahogoni. cassandra. feeling so
happy to see her again. in the car. as people try to play with my mind.
electric windows moving up and down. hold leahs hand. always there when i
trip. all my friends always around. everywhere. nice. never wanting to leave
this place. all sense of consequences gone. at julies. wanting someone to
be with. but not. no one here. no fear. so wonderful. life seeming so dreamy.
unreal. this room. this night. one dream amongst any other. leah. heather.
ben. sprung. shannon. julie. derf. so much family. as everyone. some
tripping. one room. here. something so hard to describe. some other time.