brattleboro vermont.
brattleboro vermont. where you can see the milky way stretch across the sky
at night. where they serve coffee and donuts at the bank during the winter.
where they give you 'complimentary' parking tickets for $0.00 just to let
you know you parked in the wrong spot. all the traffic lights turn red when
a bell rings and only pedestrians are allowed to cross the street. people
leave their dogs lying out on the sidewalk and people still say hello when
you pass them on the street. a place virtually untouched by urban corruption.
depersonalisation. a nice place to visit, but after a week i long for a
real city. where everything doesn't shut down at six. in bed by ten. eleven.
where life is a little more varied. and a little more intense. where i can
feel alive. vermont. a place for some. not me.