sitting in a locked car. no lock. no door handle. grid of metal.
staring at. john. freakstar. sitting next to me. staring at the cars.
passing though the roadblock. talking. we didnt do anything.
freakstar. do you know what they can do to rachaels car? to
everything. admit the pot was yours. they already have paraphernalia
on you. why let us all be charged. it was yours. but no. he wont. the
paddy comes. one by one. taken out. handcuffed. round the waist.
placed in the paddy. three. four. eight. ten. talking. what theyd get
you for. you a local. what are our rights. john. i. sitting behind.
rachael. emily. still able to touch. kiss. but wondering. worried.
driving. as people shout how they cant do this to us. bits of the law
they broke. one guy starts kicking the screen. the ceiling. but they
dont have to read us our rights. not anymore. laws change. and we are
not lawyers. stepping out into the detention centre. what do you have
in your pockets. name. information. follow me. a glance back. at
emily. at rachael. at john. into the drunk cell.
people drunk. picked up for alcohol intoxication. dry county. start
talking to a brother. rainbow. invalid drivers license. suspended.
shares his blanket. talking all night. sometimes sleeping. never
knowing what is going on. i find two pieces of paper. draw. using
cigarette ash. the cell. the circle back at rainbow. home. breakfast.
not bad. pretrial guy comes. interviews. goes to judge. we go. play
basketball. being released. unsecured bond. check out. john. rachael.
emily. waiting outside. already released. freedom.