i want to fuck her so hard.
i want to fuck her so hard. just to fuck her. because she'd be so good. and
shed enjoy it so much. ever since i met her. 'you turn me on.' with her
boyfriend. 'lets have a menage-a-trois.' her boyfriend. telling me ways to
turn her on. whisper her name in her ear. and i play with her hair. and she
sits there. a sensual being. enjoying. each time i meet her. 'take me home.'
'im for sale. only one dollar. buy me.' her hugs are long and sensual.
sexuality pours out of her. but she attaches herself like a cat. and then is
when i stay away. because i cannot be attached. have people attached to me.
like that. clinging to the outside. but i want her. fantasize about her.
because she is so direct. she tells me every impulse. she tells me what she
wants. and a single touch of mine turns her on so much. i give her a backrub.
the next night i kiss her. and we say goodbye. for a time. undetermined.
until i return. and she says to me. 'when you return. if you ever want a
woman. ill be here.' and i smile. i promise to meet her at the club. and i
know i will. someday.