one night with max. his girlfriend on the couch. her friend on the phone.
talking to her for hours. she says. i dont like my boyfriend. i ask why are
you dating him. discussions. long discussions. talking to a normal one
night late.
they ask me what a normal is. and i try to explain. fail. some know. cant
put a finger on it. that theres a difference between us. and them. things.
like being able to tell if you like someone when you meet them. normals are
more shallow. think less. more mainstream. but all generalisations. can never
tell by mere descriptions if someone is normal. subnormal. abnormal.
instinct. we can tell our own kind. is it pheromones? something in my mind.
we choose the same type of friends over and over again the same way we choose
the same type of girl/boyfriends. do our personalities attract them. modified
by physical. what we wear. who we are. some brainwave pattern. those i
attract to me. who become close friends. i choose to call subnormals. others
are normal. (even though i am friends with normals and not with some
subnormals. still cant explain. a form of baruka? so hard. explanations).