
three dimensional virtual worlds

last friday night. exploring these new worlds. worlds chat. alpha world. three dimensional virtual worlds with graphics and sound. with other people walking around in the same world. as i meet someone from montreal. later one from alaska. and we go wandering around this world. talking about the rooms, the way they look. other people. as we explore and discover. in this three dimensional world. consensual digital hallucinations.

and it seems to be all the more important to learn how to differentiate our different realities. as our different realities become so much more real (closer to full sensural immersion) and we become so involved. tied to these realities. realities beginning to merge like they never have before.

so long ago. reality was one. imagination was else. then photographs. and radio and television. moving pictures with sound drawing us in. now three dimensional interactive virtual realities just waiting for full immersion. where before. no need to keep realities separate. so few. now. each movie, book, television show. different reality. drawing us in. so people worry about too much sex and violence on television. because it does affect us. because we have not yet learned to keep our realities separate.

why peter carroll talks about belief systems. and the ability to switch between them. and fully believe. with no doubts. this other reality. a right-wing creationist republican in the bible belt. the neo- nazi hiding away in canada. the pierced tattooed dyed modern primitive in san francisco. the gang banging og in compton.

and now i also understand another aspect. that aspect of which belief system to use where. and how switching belief systems at will now becomes a skill in our multi-cultural multi-reality society. and the need to not let belief systems muddle. the bible belt republican can listen to gansta rap. but when they start taking on all that as a part of their social circle kansas businessman reality....

these ideas are still flowing together in my brain. incoherent. muddled bits of something. trying to grasp. but each time i write about it. or talk about it, it becomes clearer. and its at least a starting point. for these things to start colliding in your brain as well. who knows.




