things ive been learning.
things ive been learning. like learning to live for what you want. not what
other people want. learning to live for what i want now. not what i wanted
before. what i wanted in high school. learning its okay to change your mind.
and just because you decided something a month or a year ago doesnt mean you
have to go along with it today. learning to get in touch with how i really
feel. not how i think i should feel. or how i felt before. just because its
been decided. nothing is stable. and decisions have to be redecided all the
time. so im not going to new orleans. simply because i said i was going. even
though then i had a good reason. and im not going to be a fireman. simply
because i thought it would be a neat thing to be in third grade. nothing i
decide is permanent. because im constantly changing. rethinking my decisions.
growing. becoming a new and different person. who will make new decisions.
that will change also. someday. when i am no longer who i am. now.