
rainbow gathering

somewhere. kentucky. daniel boone national park. the rainbow gathering of the tribes. men. women. walking around topless. nude. standing. with wooden staffs. balls hanging. drummers. ten. twenty. sitting around a fire. beats. people dance. as the drummers drum. people stirring large pots of food in the kitchens. water trucks coming. going. people sitting on traders row. trading goods. sitting. chatting. people smoking pot. handing out free acid. staring at everything as they walk through. tents everywhere. people hanging. hitching rides in and out of town. to the showers. to the lake. working. playing. living.

at sunset. right before the sun goes down each day. the conch shell is blown. and council is held. everyone finishes what they were doing and goes down to the meadow. in the canyon. each person. stands in the circle. and holds hands. and screams. council begins. the person with the feather speaks. what is on their mind. about the days events. things that concern the tribe. the tribe then discusses. decides. after council. dinner is held. everyone eats together. as a family.

other councils are held throughout the day. cooperative council. lunch council. breakfast council. another council. you attend the ones you want. some councils tell you where you can help the tribe. or organise different aspects. others give you news. during major arguments. special councils are held to sort out personal differences. if not resolved. trial is held.

social life revolves around the fires. people sit. talk. drum. dance. play. at various kitchens activities are held. some you play chess. checkers. dance. sing. during the day. seminars are held. in a meadow. times are posted. anyone comes. anyone speaks. there is a stone circle. a healing circle. and main circle. where people meditate. heal. think. cleanse themselves. sweat lodges for men. sister circles for women. a shower is down the road. a lake where people swim naked. dive off of the rocks. play with the logs. night time people party. dance. get high. then sleep.

people work too. kitchens prepare food. people help cutting. dicing. pealing. gathering firewood. chopping wood. building. keeping fires lit. getting water to cook with. to drink. to wash. cleaning. people go into town for needed supplies. gather money to pay for the tribe. provide information. or hugs. or love. for those in need. people work to make everyone happy. to keep the tribe alive. and when everyone helps. no one works hard.




