Discover who I am through the concepts of myself, the personal
projects I work on and the letters I write to others.
A place to be inspired by the words of those who have inspired
me or by things I have written to inspire other people.
Writing is something I've done on and off for many years now. Read
the book I wrote, as well as beginnings to stories I never finished, zines I
created and other random bits of writing.
At one time I was called Artiste and drew pictures on the streets.
More recently I've reignited the desire to create visual pieces and have been
experimenting with computers. View what I have created and some of the
techniques I've learned.
Notes that I've taken all through my life have been compiled
here so that I'll have access to them while I'm on the road. Rife through my
stuff if you want, though a lot of the notes will only make complete sense to
The links I've compiled here are sort of personal meta-pages to
help me organise my ever-increasing bookmark list. I've tried to give my
comments of each site, not only for others, but for myself later on.