
Robert Bickham Family Genealogy Monthly Award
An award for my Paint Shop Pro tutorials from a page about the genealogy of the Bickham family.

riot's hot spots
riot is one of those sites that reminds you of the zines you did when you were in
high school and college. an excellent website that provokes and entertains. im
glad i made their hot spot.

WebSite of the Guild of Illuminati
The guy who runs this website seems pretty cool. And after all, he's got the seal of approval from the
Illuminati. So check out his site and see the other members of the Guild of Illuminati.

Cool Site of the Hour
Okay, so it's not Cool Site of the Day, nor Cool Site of the Week, nor Year, nor Decade.
But at least it's not Cool Site of the Minute. To Hell with fifteen minutes of fame, I
got a whole hour!