
The Sixties Are Back

I was sitting in my room quietly reading U. The National College Newspaper listening to some King Missile, when it suddenly hit me. Most of you haven't heard, the sixties are back.

Calm down, you look nervous. Didn't you like them the last time? Oh, I forgot, how could you? You were only three years old when they ended. But that doesn't prevent you from hating them to the bottom of your heart, does it? You'll make a good material money chasing yuppie yet. Unfortunately that was the eighties.

Welcome to the nineties, the decade of the reborn hippies. Yes, it's true, the sixties are back, but their wearing the nineties' clothes. I remember last year when we started the environmental club in my high school. It was ecstatic. I looked around and thought, this is the nineties. Nineteen ninety became the year of environmental concern as thousands of clubs began to spring up all over the nation. And when Lucky put green marshmallow trees into Lucky Charms, I could hardly wait for what was next.

Hussein, no less. It had to be true. We were heading towards a recession. We needed a good war. But the EFFORT put toward supporting or protesting the war was incredible. Rallies abounded across the nation. Not knowing what to do, some protesters adopted the sixties sit-in, while others became more creative, developing new forms of protest and support. But one thing was sure, activism had arrived and the sixties had returned.

But don't dismay, it's not going to be like before. We HAVE learned from our mistakes. Honestly. This time we're getting serious. Instead of having sit-ins and being arrested and smoking pot while we have acid dreams of the way the world should be, we're writing letters to our congressmen and taking meaningful political action. Instead of working against society, we're working within society to make it better.

Drugs in the nineties are out. Talk is in. In the sixties we were trying to find ourselves by looking outside to drugs, this time we're looking inside ourselves. We're trying to find out why we used drugs to escape before and how we can solve our problems so we don't have to escape.

Fashion becomes the sixties in the nineties. But don't expect it to mirror exactly. The nineties will become their own fashion. Start watching for homemade necklaces and handsown bracelets, given to each other with deeper meanings than just friendship.

As for the sexual revolution, prepare for a different kind. We'll finally be able to talk freely about all the things the sixties allowed us to do. Sex will become not just a shared experience between two people, but an understood experience as well.

You still don't believe it, do you? You're still living in your oblivious non-caring world of the eighties. Well, you'll find out soon enough, believe me. As the cliche goes, the nineties are going to be a decade to make the sixties look like the fifties.




