Age is only something people accuse you of.
- Mrs. Palmer
Don't believe everything you read into.
- Duke McMullan
There are four types of homocide: felonious, excusable,
justifiable and praiseworthy.
- Ambroise Bierce
The only difference between science and magic is that scientists
doubt everything and magicians doubt nothing. That's why magicians
get so much more done.
- Peter David
It's founder had died from a lethal overdose of brickwall, taken
while under the influence of a Ferrari and a bottle of tequila.
- Douglass Adams
Your choices are:
a) b. & c.
b) only d.
c) a. & b.
d) none of the above
e) all of the above
I sometimes wonder whether I ever did have a childhood--or was it
something I dreamed last night?
- 'Mary'
Nice girls don't explode!
- Tarim
Trees don't have sex.
- Gemma Palmer (during a conversation on how much
simplier life would be as a tree)
If you don't mind doing without, it's a fine life.
- From the musical Oliver!
Freedom of information, we should always tell the press freely and
frankly anything that they could easily find out some other way.
- Sir Humphrey Appleby