man - 18 |
woman - 16 |
child - 0 |
tight family. alone in a foreign country.
they don't understand. that doesn't
understand them. they don't speak the
man - 22 |
20 |
child - 4 |
comes home many nights beaten. broken on
the streets. shy. alone. shunned by the
other children because she doesn't speak
english. teased.
23 |
woman - 21 |
5 |
takes child out of school. teaches child
herself. MAN starts to take PCP. decline
into insanity.
30 |
28 |
12 |
first witness man on PCP and/or sees man
takes drugs. becomes frightened.
32 |
woman - 30 |
14 |
starts taking pills to fall asleep.
financial troubles.
man - 34 |
32 |
16 |
begins to take drugs more regularly.
financial trouble.
man - 35 |
33 |
17 |
begins to beat wife.
36 |
34 |
child - 18 |
begins to discover sexuality. seeks to
soothe mother. seeks to explore with mother.
38 |
woman - 36 |
child - 20 |
after several years of abuse they plan his murder.
-- |
37 |
child - 21 |
after being carried out successfully they
make to start a new life. child is killed
accidentally. (maybe wife).
-- |
woman - 37 |
-- |
all loves lost commits suicide. candle falls
against a curtain as she falls. house burns
down. end.
they didnt speak the language. so they couldnt tell anyone.
a lone candle as she sat in the room staring into it. watching the
flame. intense. fire. passion. remembering.