The quintissential web reference page. This page has pointers to
almost every resource you'll probably need in creating web sites
as well as many articles online.
The Bare Bones Guide to HTML
Probably one of the best sites to quickly find out the tag you
need. Lists every tag in the HTML 3.2 specification, plus
Netscape extensions, with tables or preformatted text, in 15
different languages.
The HTML Language
Good in-depth meta-page organised get you to quality sites that contain
valuable information about HTML.
WWW & HTML Developer's JumpStation
Good starting point for lots of issues relating to HTML including
server/client/conversion software and creation guides.
Quality, Guidelines & Standards for Internet Resources
This is just a huge meta-page detailing exactly what it says in
the title. Has lots of links referencing design and maintenance for
the various services that can be provided over the Internet.