ravens apartment
ravens apartment:
once again raven tries to play with my mind. and though he doesnt succeed.
what he wants. i know he has power. and even here it is only the power i give
him. because i have not yet built up defenses. learned to play the game. as
well as he does. so he cajoles me. gets me to snuggle with him. but whenever
he gets too close. i move. i play the game but i know as well. he is so much
better. and the only power i have. the power. the knowledge that hes playing
a game with me. it is this that saves me. [for if he were not. so easily
could overpower me. so much stronger. swifter than i. but were i naive. to
fall into his clutches. his bed. with so much ease of soothing words that i
know are not]. knowing manipulation is the first knowledge to stop it. and
though hes convinced. someday he wants to suck my dick. do worse. but i will
stop the game before that. if only because to do so, he will have won. and i
refuse to lose this game.